Fortunately for Kayla, her family knows the owner of the company she applied with, so when he saw the background check report, he immediately took it to her home, so she could start the process of clearing her name. The timing was critical because she will be leaving for college in a few months and planned to apply for a student credit card to start building her credit score. Also, she will be applying for different jobs in the future, and not clearing a background could create some real problems for her.
She was still hired for the job she applied for because the owner could tell in the background check that the problems were not with her, but the feeling of having her identity compromised was alarming, especially because she didn’t know what exactly the identity thief was using her information for. The possibilities scared her.
Kayla didn’t know where to start to fix this problem. Then a light went off! Her high school band was starting a program about identity theft, and she told her story to the director, who immediately contacted ID Mentor to see if, in fact, Kayla had been a victim of the fastest growing crime in the U.S. – identity theft.
ID Mentor’s identity protection service, MyIDCare, has Recovery Superheroes who will resolve any case of identity theft as part of their service. They actually have a 100% success rate in bringing people back to their true selves. So, John, Kayla’s assigned Hero got to work on her behalf. He quickly assessed that this could possibly be a case of employment fraud though much more discovery was needed. There are some instances where a clerical error is made and needs to be resolved.
It started with a phone call. He discussed her situation with her and advised of the various scenarios in which this could happen, putting her at ease. All she had to do was fill out the Victim’s Guide paperwork, so he could get to work saving the day.
So, this is how it works. John will verify if the Social Security Administration has any employment records on Kayla and resolve those issues first if they do. He will dig through the background check paper trail to locate the origin of the employment record. Last, but not least, John will check for the existence of credit reports with the three credit bureaus and resolve any issues found there.
This is an ongoing situation for Kayla and John. He is hard at work and she can go about her daily life and just keep in touch with John when he calls her with updates.
Stay tuned for further developments.